Infrared Patching

Infrared Patching
Infrared patching and repair are for those cases when you need to fix minor potholes and cracks on your asphalt surfaces, but don’t need full-scale replacement or resurfacing. This is when infrared patching comes in to quickly repair minuscule surface problems and in the most cost-effective manner possible.

Do I need infrared patching?

Infrared patching is the best route to take if your asphalt surface is located in a high-traffic area. This is because heavy traffic and repeated exposure to vehicular pressure cause your asphalt surface to weaken and form cracks and potholes.

Although these potholes and cracks are small, leaving them unattended means signing up for a heftier replacement bill down the line. So to save yourself from that headache, infrared patching is your safest and most cost-friendly, bet.

How does infrared patching work?

Infrared patching works by heating and melting existing asphalt and then mixing in new asphalt before pouring the mixture over potholes and cracks. Once the mixture has been poured and spread evenly, it is allowed to cool until your pavement looks as good as new!

With infrared patching, thermal bonding occurs between the old and new asphalt, causing it to become in synergy with one another for a seamless finish!

There are many reasons to love infrared patching. It’s inexpensive, minimally invasive, and repairs damaged surfaces in half the time typical paving would take! You can finally restore your asphalt’s health and resume parking lot activity without breaking the bank.

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